Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

I think Christmas Eve is one of my favorite days of the year. Over the past couple of years we have tried really hard to build some fun family traditions that are just for our family. We stayed at home all day and watched fun Christmas movies which was great!! Matt finally saw Elf. I think he was the last person on the planet to see it!

Then we went to our church's Christmas Eve service. I love it. It is just nice and simple. We sing a few Christmas songs and then the pastor reads the Christmas story to all of the children. This year Ben went up front all by himself. I was so proud of him. Such a big boy!
After church, we always deliver "blessing baskets" to the 7th floor at the hospital. This is the floor where Matt works and it is a way to say thank you to the nurses that have to work on Christmas. We always enjoy visiting with them and letting them know we appreciate them. This year we had to deliever 5 baskets. Thankfully we had the stroller so we could put the baskets in it. I think we will have to bring a wagon next year! Then on the way home from the hospital we stopped an picked up some chinese food for dinner! Always wonderful. It is about the only thing open at 7 pm on Christmas Eve. I always feel like we are in "A Christmas Story."
After dinner, Matt read the Christmas story from the Jesus Storybook Bible.
Then we had our little Happy Birthday Jesus party! It is such a special time to remember the real meaning of Christmas before things get too crazy!
Both of the kiddos get to open 1 present which is their yearly ornament. We try to get them ornaments that will remind us of something they did this year or something they are "in to." So of course Ben got superheroes and Kate got a really cute cupcake! Perfect!
Then it was time to leave cookies and milk for Santa!!
And off to bed to get ready for Christmas Day!!

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