Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Morning 2010

So the "Big Man in Red" visited our house on Christmas Eve and left a big pile of presents Matt and I woke up at like 5:30 so excited! We were like a couple of kids ready to start the day. We just had to wait for the actual children to wake up. For that we had to wait until 7!! But then it was all fun!!! They both ran to check out what they got. Ben got tons of Rescue Heroes and Kate got lots of baby doll stuff!! They were both so excited!
Then it was time to dive into the stockings! Always lots of fun stuff in those!
We then had our traditional Christmas morning breakfast of pigs in a blanket and cinnamon rolls. Yummy!!!

Then it was time to open presents. We did a good job of limiting the presents this year. Matt and I just got back from our big trip which was our present to each other. And I was actually able to limit it for the kiddos! I was proud of myself!! And the presents I did get almost all of them were from consignment sales, yard sales or Craigslist. I think I spent less than $100 on all their presents (and there were a bunch!!) Matt got an iPhone adaptor for his car, some books and Donkey Kong for the Wii!
Ben got some games, some costumes and a flashlight.
Kate got a fun purse, some books and more Weebles!
I got an apron, some jewelry and Just Dance 2 for the Wii!
It was such a fun morning!!! We had a blast opening all the presents and just playing. The best part of the day was just being together to celebrate Jesus' birthday!! And the best part of the morning was still to come... We got a huge surprise!!!!

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