Tuesday, December 28, 2010

White Christmas

Back in 1989 I got to experience a White Christmas. There was a slight dusting of snow on the ground. I thought it was so awesome!! That was NOTHING compared to the white Christmas we had this year. I think every year they predict snow on Christmas just to make you get excited. Last year we did get some flurries which was fun. Starting at the beginning of last week they were saying it was going to snow. Then they sort of backed off and said we might just get a little dusting. We really didn't think much of it. Christmas morning Matt and I had been up for about an hour (remember we were up at 5:30 but no kids were), when we looked out the window and saw the snow just pouring out of the sky. I couldn't believe it!!! We were going to have a white Christmas. It just kept snowing and snowing and snowing....

I was so excited. A dream come true! I real white Christmas. Ben was not really all that excited about it. I mean how can snow compete with all the new toys! But after a couple hours of playing inside we made him venture out. He had a blast!
And so did the adults!!
After her nap we got Kate all bundled up to go outside as well! She loved it! Thankfully Granna and Grandaddy brought over her new hat to wear so she could be styling while playing in the snow!
Lots and lots of snowballs were made and thrown!!

It was just so beautiful!!!
We made a snowman of course. Ben actually wanted to make a Batman snowman.
So here was our Batman snowman. It looks more like a bunny we know but Ben loved it.
It was an amazing day! In all around 4-5 inches of snow fell. It has been about 15 years since we have seen that much snow. So fun! This morning as the snow started to melt Ben got sad and said "when the snow is gone that means Christmas is over." He is going to think it snows every year on Christmas. He is going to be disappointed next year I am sure but hopefully he won't have to wait another 21 years for snow on Christmas.
Mema and Opa were able to brave the snow and come over for a visit. We had a yummy lunch and played some fun games. It was just a great day all around!!

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