Wednesday, December 29, 2010

East Family Christmas

After a fun morning of presents and snow time we headed over to my parent's house for the "East Family Christmas." Always such a fun time. We enjoyed the traditional Christmas dish of lasagna! There is nothing better than my mom's homemade lasagna!!
We enjoyed the Christmas crackers my parents always have. Fun times. Although I did almost loose my eye with a flying harmonica. I think my brother is trying to kill me!!
Pretty girl!
Ok the presents were as overwhelming as ever!!
Kate loved her new Laugh and Learn kitchen. Her and Ben and have played with it non stop for days.
Kate was really figuring out the opening present thing! Both of the kids got so many wonderful things!!!
Granna and Grandaddy with Kate. Andrew was making fun of Dad's sweater but I think it is quite nice!
Kelly and Andrew
I loved my mental floss shirt Andrew and Kelly got me. It is totally awesome and I can't wait to wear it to work!! (Please tell me I am not this fat - It was the fact that I am wearing 2 shirts and a sweater right???)
It got to be pretty late and both of the kids were tired so we put them to bed. Matt and I decided to spend the night there as well. It was still snowing and I guess we didn't want to make the 1 mile trip back home. : ) It was the first time we had all slept over there in years. It was sort of fun to just relax and hang out there. We played lots of games and just had fun. We got up in the morning and played more. Ben has become a little obsessed with puzzles. He can do 60-100 piece puzzles all by himself. We are so proud!
We had to have some more snow time. Matt made an Auburn tiger!
We even got out the food coloring to make him fun colors. It continued to snow some the day after Christmas as well! So much fun!!!!
Such a special time with family. It was then back to real life and stuff but it was a great few day celebrating Christmas!!! And we have more celebrations to come...

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