Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas in Auburn

So the stomach bug hit our house once again. I mean come on 5 times in 6 months is getting a little out of control. Thankfully this time it was just me that was down so that was good. I am hoping 2011 is full of much better stomachs in our house! So I am a little later than I wanted with this post but here it is. Sometime soon we will be done with Christmas I am sure. One more to go this weekend.

The kids and I headed down to Auburn and LaFayette on Tuesday and Wednesday to visit with my grandmothers. We stopped first in Auburn to see my Mema (Great Mema to Ben and Kate). She is struggling with dementia and lives in an assisted living home. She does not recognize us but it makes her so happy when we visit. She loved watching Ben and Kate run around and play. It was a special time to get to spend with her.

Ben enjoyed helping her open her Christmas presents
Not such a great picture but special all the same
My mom with Kate and Great Mema
Then it was on to LaFayette for time at my Grandmama's house (GG to Ben and Kate). Ben LOVES going to GG's house and was so excited when I told him we were headed there. He could not wait. We enjoyed a great dinner (including some of GGs ham which is the only ham Ben will eat). Then we got to open presents! I did a really bad job of taking pictures.
Ben loved his Joker house
Kate loved her music table from Great Aunt Lisa and Great Uncle Lee
Just a cute picture of Kate with one of her dolls!
My aunt has been taking some great pictures and these are a couple of good ones she got while we were there. So rarely is there a good one of me and Ben so I love that! And the other one is of Kate and GG's hands! So sweet!
It was a great, short trip! We always enjoy getting to see extended family.

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