Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Dentist

Yesterday morning bright and early Ben had to be at a dentist appointment. So his actual first visit was back in the summer but I was sick so I didn't get to take him so this is the first documented visit (because it is not official until mama documents it!!) He did so great! I was impressed with the pediatric dentist office. I didn't go to one growing up but they sure do things catered to kids. TVs on the ceiling for them to watch. Lots of fun things around and they are super quick and good with the kids. Ben and Kate both had fun in the waiting room...

Then it was on to the back. Ben hopped up in the chair and laid right down. He opened up big when they asked and let them do whatever in his mouth. He did great! The hygienists were so impressed. They said most kids his age don't let them do everything they got to do. He is so laid back (at times).
The dentist said his teeth look great. He has a great bite and plenty of room in his mouth. He said it looks like all should be well and he won't need any sort of braces or appliances. As the dentist said " His middle school years shouldn't be that awkward." Always good!
****** Don't forget to vote for Ben and Kate today!!

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