Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Giveaway!!! Slugs and Bugs Christmas

I have never done a giveaway before but I thought since it was Christmas it would be fun. As some of you know our absolute favorite children's CD is Slugs and Bugs by Randall Goodgame and Andrew Peterson. Many of you have received it has baby gifts because we buy them in CD bricks. We love it!!! It is the perfect mix of quirky, fun with a good spiritual message. Both Ben and Kate love it as well. We can turn it on in the car and they both get silent. It is amazing.
So the guys from Slugs and Bugs have come out with a new Christmas CD. It is awesome!! We have enjoyed listening to it the last few days. We went ahead and helped them with the costs for the CD so we got a large quantity of signed copies of the CD (you can also check out our name in the liner notes). Now we have to get rid of a bunch of CDs. So a giveaway seems like a good idea....

Leave me a comment with your email address (if I don't know it) and tell me your favorite traditional Christmas song. Just be warned the songs on this CD are not your traditional Christmas ones. They will have you laughing out loud. I will randomly pick some winners on Monday and get the CDs out to you ASAP(I will mail if you don't live in town). Can't wait to hear from you all and to give away some CDs.
******* Don't forget to vote for Ben and Kate today!!!


  1. Oh how fun! I just went to the website and listened to a song, Tyler and Kalen love it! We are laughing! Tyler told me his favorite Christmas song is We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

  2. That is such a fun giveaway! We love music and love singing in the car together! Going to website now for a sneak peek.
    email address is
    Thanks for sharing the idea...we will purchase one if we don't win!

  3. How fun!!!! "Breath of heaven" is one of my favorites, although dont think Micah has stopped singing "jingles bells" the past few days!

  4. "Breath of Heaven" is my favorite, but "Silent Night" is right up there too! I've never heard of this group- apparently I have a lot of learning to do! =-)

  5. I've been hearing about this one and I bet the boys would love it :)
    My favorite Christmas songs are "What Child Is This" and "Mary Did You Know".

  6. How fun! I love silent night and hatcher loves jingle bells!

  7. Thanks for a great recommendation for a CD for kids! I've been wanting to get Emma and the boys some fun CDs lately. My favorite Christmas song is "The Christmas Song" by Nat King Cole. Classic!
