Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I turned the big 3-0 yesterday. It was a great day!! I felt so blessed by my friends and family. I got so many calls, emails, gifts, cards, texts and messages! It was awesome. It was a really low key day. I mean we had just gotten back from an amazing trip what could I expect (if you want to look at a preview of our trip you can check out The Wright family's blog). I did lots of laundry (what old people do on their birthday) and ran the kids to normal things. I did have a fun lunch with my friend Anna which was great. Then last night my parents cooked out some yummy steaks for dinner. We had GiGi's cupcakes to celebrate! Ben sang "Happy Birthday" and helped me blow out the candles. It was perfect!

So I have been struggling with turning 30. I know all you people who are older are calling me crazy right now. But hear me out... I am just sad about leaving my 20's behind. They were awesome!! I started out in college which was so much fun. Graduated with 2 degrees. Got married. Got my first real job. Bought a house. Had 2 babies. Got to work at a job I love. Really everything about my 20's was amazing. All the big life events happened. I started wondering what my 30's were going to hold and how it just couldn't compare to my 20's. I think that is what made me sad!
But I am looking forward to my 30's. It is going to be a time to see everything from my 20's made more complete. First off I am hoping that Auburn will win a National Championship which has not happened in any of my previous decades!! I also get to watch the 2 most amazing kids grow up. I will hopefully get to see them come to know Jesus which is what I will consider my life's work! Hard to believe that by the time I turn 40 I will have a 13 year old and an 11 year old!! I get to spend more time with the most amazing man I know (by the way - starting yesterday I have spent more time with him in my life than I have spent without him since we started dating the day before I turned 15!!!) I am excited about the work opportunities that will come my way in the next decade. Hopefully getting back to work more and maybe doing some new things! I can't wait to see what fun adventures in travel await us. We already have some fun things planned and it is going to be awesome!! Hopefully my passport will get lots of use during my 30's. We may even have our house paid off in my 30's if all goes well! Sounds like it will be a fun decade! Even if it is not full of the big life events it will just full of life!!! So here's to being 30. May it be the best decade of my life...
********* Don't forget to vote for Ben and Kate!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to see what 30 brings!!! I mean come met the Pociasks.

    "Dude, I feel like a lady"

    Love you!
