Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winners of Slugs and Bugs Giveaway!!!

Sorry I am a day late posting. We have been a little busy. Matt and I got in late last night from a 5 day trip to New York City!! Can't wait to tell you all about it!! Today is a kind of big day for me! My 30th birthday!! YEA!!

So I need to post the winners from the CD giveaway! Thanks to you all for entering. I like to know who is reading. I am not sophisticated like some bloggers out there using a random number generator. I just put everyone's name who commented in a bowl and had my cute assistant pull out 3 names. The lucky winners are...
Jenny W.
Jamye M.
Amanda W.
Yea!! So glad you guys won. Jamye and Amanda W. I will get yours in the mail. It may not be until after Christmas but you will have it for next year. Jenny I will get it to you the next time I see you guys. If anyone is looking for a great kids CD we highly recommend Slugs and Bugs!!

********************** Also - Don't forget to vote for Ben and Kate!! They made it to the finals. You can vote everyday at: http://annapociask.wordpress.com/2010/12/14/contest-time/


  1. Woo Hoo! How sweet of you to give gifts on your birthday! I love Miss Kate's outfit. We have the same one- great minds think alike! Happy birthday once again!

  2. Oh yay! Thanks Emily! I hope your birthday was awesome! Can't wait to see pics from NY!

  3. YAHOO!!! I have been out of town and didn't know til now! Me and the kids will love it!

  4. Now I am laughing at myself...maiden name was Williams...thought I won! HA HA HA HA HA!!!! I will order one off the internet while I laugh at myself a little more! Enjoy a laugh at my expense!

  5. Oh YAY!!!! I'm SO excited!! Thanks Emily!!!
