Monday, February 7, 2011

Spilled Milk

Today was one of those days that I thought several times about just sitting down and crying. Nothing was really bad about it but just everything put together was just not fun. Mondays are my grocery store and laundry day. Not my favorite things to do but I like getting them out of the way early in the week before I have to work and life gets crazy. So that in and of itself made today a not so good day. Also we had a busy weekend so I didn't get to prep for the week like I like to (grocery list made and laundry sorted). Major sleep issues have also been plaguing our house for the past couple of weeks. I don't think I have slept for more than 2 hours at a time in over 2 weeks. So I am pretty tired at this point.

This morning at breakfast involved a glass of spilled milk and an overturned container of applesauce. I guess that just got it started bad. Ben got off to school and all was well. Kate has pretty much stopped taking her morning naps which really cuts into my time to get things done although today I discovered something new...

In my 4 years as a mom I have never used the pack 'n play as a playpen before today. It just seemed a little cruel - like I was putting them in a cage or something. But it is wonderful!! I was able to get my floors mopped (remember the spilled milk) while Kate was happily playing away. Let's just say I will be doing this more!!

I guess I just had to complain for a moment. Nothing was bad. My children are well and life is good. That is why I didn't cry over the spilled milk. It was nothing to cry about. Although my day wasn't glamorous, or even fun it was great. I was talking to some wise, older mamas this weekend and they were saying they wish they could go back and not cry over spilled milk. They said life is too short and kids grow up too fast to get upset over little things. I decided I am never going to again (believe me I have in the past). I guess I was being tested today to see if I would follow through on what I learned.

I am blessed so what's a little spilled milk??? It is nothing more than an inconvenience and tiny part of my extraordinary life.

As a side note, Ben loved the pack 'n play as well. This afternoon the two of them played together for about an hour in it. It amazes me how little things keep their attention for so long.

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