Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things That Made Me Smile

There were several times today that I caught myself smiling just out of pure joy...

I saw Ben and Kate's cute little blue and pink lunchboxes sitting side by side. I don't know why but it just made me smile.
I got the awesome opportunity to go to lunch with my Bible Study group today. It is ladies from all stages and walks of life. It is not a group that I would normally hang out with but we had a blast. We just got to visit and laugh. It was great. I left with the biggest smile on my face.

Every afternoon around 4, when Matt gets home I smile. Just watching him play with the kids is always so much fun. Today there was some serious wresting and body slamming going on. It made me smile so big.

I got the cutest apron for Christmas. I love wearing it to cook dinner. Another big smile.

And tonight as the kids were getting ready for bed they were laughing at each other. There is no sweeter sound on earth than giggles of little children. I am so blessed. Today I am thankful for the smiles!!

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