Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ben is 4!!!

Dear Sweet Firstborn,

I cannot believe that you are 4 years old already. I feel like I blinked and you went from being a 7 pound 10 ounce baby to a boy!! But you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. Seeing you grow up over the past 4 years has been amazing. From a helpless little baby to a self sufficient boy. You have grown and changed so much. You continue to be full of energy. When you are up and going you are on the go. Your favorite thing to ask is "Can we go somewhere today?" You love going to new places and experiencing new things. But you are also one of the calmest 4 year olds I know. You listen and obey so well. You can sit and play by yourself for hours. The battles and scenes that you set up with your toys are amazing!! I love to listen to you talk to yourself when you play. It is so imaginative. Football is your favorite thing to talk about right now (it changes weekly). You are really into puzzles and games. I think you could sit for hours and put together a puzzle. I don't know many 4 year olds that would/could do that. You still love to watch TV and movies. Really you will watch anything but your favorite show is Phineas and Ferb. You love the Toy Story movies.
You continue to grow so big. You are up to 39 pounds and 42 inches. So big!! You are wearing size 4 clothes and size 10 1/2 shoes. Your hair is still curly and we love it!! The biggest issue we have faced this year is with your eyes. They just don't want to do what they are supposed to. But you have done great with the drops and dealing with the side effects. I don't think I have ever met a kid that complains less than you. You can be so sick but you will always say you feel "good." Just part of your sweet nature. You continue to be a picky eater. I can list on one hand the things you will eat. Chicken, fries, fruit, yogurt, bread, cheese and chips. That's about it. You LOVE to eat out. Every meal you ask to eat out. It makes us laugh!! Chick-fil-a, Zaxbys and Chilis are your favorites.
You have the biggest and sweetest heart. You always put others before yourself. It has been amazing to see you grow in the knowledge of the Lord in the past year. Every week you learn new things about God that amaze us. Your simple, child-like faith is so inspiring. Your prayers are so sweet and so earnest. You know that God will answer! My prayer is that you never loose that faith!! You have such a desire to help others. You want to make sure no one else is hurting. Once again I pray that continues. You so enjoy going to church. Not just because you get to play with your friends but because you get to learn about God! You are so laid back and a go with the flow guy. Once again I think it is just part of your sweet nature.
I know I am your mom but I think you are so smart. To see all that you have learned over the past year astounds me!! You know all your letters and numbers. You are learning sounds beginning to put them together. You can write your name and lots of other letters. You love to learn!! You have so enjoyed preschool this year. I look forward to seeing all that you learn next year!! I have also seen you grow in self sufficiency in the past year. You can dress yourself, fix food for yourself and clean up after yourself! All wonderful things!! You are so much more willing to try things that used to scare you. Such a sign that you are growing up.
Happy Birthday my sweet boy!! It is such a privilege to be your mommy!! I consider it my highest calling to be your mommy!
I love you will all my heart,

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