Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Celebrating the Big 4!!

We had a great time yesterday celebrating Ben's 4th birthday. There is nothing more fun than birthdays for kids. I love making a big deal out of birthdays (if you couldn't tell). Matt was able to take the day off which made it extra special.

The day started with the traditional opening of the first present right after he got up! He got some awesome army men that he was so excited about!! Then it was the birthday breakfast. He had his favorite cinnamon rolls. He got to eat them off the birthday plate and drink out of the birthday mug!
We let him choose where we were going to eat lunch and of course he chose Little Rosies!! Yummy!! He wanted chips and dip. A boy after my own heart.
Kate was loving some Little Rosies too! After lunch we let the kids watch Toy Story 3 while we got ready to party!

We gave Ben the choice of having a big party with all his friends or having a "fun day" with a few of his closest friends. He surprisingly chose the fun day so we are doing that on Saturday with some of his buddies. So we had a small family party last night. It was football themed of course! He got this awesome set of football players that he loves!!

All my friends said there was no way I could do a small party. I think I did a pretty good job of keeping it to a minimum but still really cute and fun.

The favors...

I have given up making the cakes and I bought this one and it was perfect. So much easier and better than stressing the night before to make it.

Ben picked out all the food. He wanted hot dogs and chips and salsa. I threw in some veggies and fruit. It was really simple but so good.

We had a great time visiting with family and hanging out celebrating our birthday boy!

Ben got some awesome presents. A smart cycle and an Auburn football uniform from Mema and Opa. He got a membership to Sci-quest and some Legos from Uncle Andrew and Aunt Kelly. Uncle Brett and Aunt Joanna got him an awesome Batman fishing pole. Granna and Grandaddy got him lots of fun games and the best football goalpost! Kate got him some fun hot wheels. He loved it all!!

Ben wanted to play games at his party so he picked out some to play and he had all sorts of people willing to play with him.
We played Pop the Pig and Hullabaloo which were lots of fun.

We of course enjoyed some cake and ice cream and singing to the birthday boy!!

It was such a fun day celebrating our little man!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Ben had a great day! The decor looks great too!
