Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Kind of Day

Today was one of my favorite kind of days. When there is nothing on the calendar. We can do whatever we want. Those kind of days don't happen often so we took advantage of it! Ben had speech early (8 am early) but that is over and we have the whole rest of the day!

Ben got to play with his buddy Evan. Then the kids and I read some Dr. Seuss books. All week we have been reading them in honor of his birthday. I love all his books and the kids so enjoy reading them.
Then it was off to the park! It was a gorgeous day!!! The perfect temperature with sunny skies and a slight breeze! Wonderful. Kate loved swinging...
Ben loved sliding...
Brown Puppy even got in on the action. He has recently been renamed. After three years of being Brown Puppy his name is now Howie!
We had a blast!! It was so much fun!!
Did I mention the weather was perfect?? It was! It is the last nice day for a while so we enjoyed it.
After the park we ran by my mom's new school to drop off some library books. The circus is in town and the clowns were there performing for all the kids so we got to see the clowns. It was fun! The kids thought it was neat. Ben was a little overwhelmed by all the kids and the clowns. Kate loved it of course. She was making funny noises. 500 kids were being quiet and you could hear Kate over all them. Have I mentioned she is loud?
See my kind of day. Just hanging with my kiddos!! I love it!!