Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Week Devotions - Part 1

I just LOVE Easter!! It is such a wonderful time because it is a time to fully celebrate the gospel message. As a mom there is nothing I want more than to share this message with my children. So I feel Easter is such an important time to focus on telling the story of Jesus and how He died for our sins. Matt and I were talking over the weekend and decided that we wanted to do some family devotions leading up to Easter to share with the kiddos the story of Jesus. I found a great guide online that we are using. It has fun activities and stories to do for the 4 main parts of the Easter story. It is perfect for preschoolers. We started tonight with the Palm Sunday story. First up we made palm branches.
Ben enjoyed cutting out the palm branches. And then painting them.

Kate even got in on the painting action!

The finished products! Then Matt read the story from the Bible. Both kids listened so well. We talked a lot about ways to worship and praise God. Then we took turns acting out the story. Both kids loved this!! There was lots of donkey galloping and palm branch waving!
Kate even started saying Hosanna! It was so cute.
I just love it!! I can't wait for the rest of the week and all the fun activities there are to come!

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