Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yard Sale

2 times a year our neighborhood holds a yard sale where anyone who wants has a yard sale. People come from all over (and I mean all over - like states away) because there are so many sales in a small area. And it is great stuff!! My mom and I usually have a yard sale at least one of the 2 times each year. It is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in a short time. I LOVE getting rid of stuff. If I haven't used something in a few months I am ready to sell it! I always have a pile going of stuff to sell. So our weekend was spent getting ready for and having the yard sale.

We had a great turnout even though it was sort of cold. We sold pretty much everything!! YEA!! No more junk!

The kids had a blast playing outside during the sale. I took the picture towards the end so there is not much stuff left. I mainly sold toys (because our house had become overrun) and household stuff. It all sold great. Just took a few things to be donated. We made about $400. Not bad for getting rid of stuff we didn't need.

My sweet hubby! Just had to put a picture of him up!

We were exhausted after it was all over on Saturday! Since Ben had been so great about letting us sell his old toys we went and bought Tangled and watched it during family movie night last night! It was really cute.

Today we had church. The kiddos looked so cute all ready this morning!

Another weekend gone by so quickly! Although this is going to be a great week. So excited about the week leading up to Easter. So many fun things to do!

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