Monday, April 4, 2011

First Soccer Game

Ben had his first soccer game on Saturday. He woke up so excited and hurried to get into his uniform! It was a good thing he was so excited because we had to be at the soccer fields at 7:20 so we had to leave our house a little before 7 am!! YUCK! Oh well. I guess this is our new life as parents of kids in activities! He had such a good time at the game. I took a bunch of pictures and I am not going to bore you with them all. But here are some...
They had their individual and team pictures before the game. Here are the Little Cougars! His caches are Mr. Keith, Miss Darby and Mr. Kevin.
He had fun playing with his friends Jackson, Jacob, Madalyn and Jonah before the game started.
Waiting for the game to start! Kate enjoyed hanging out with our family at the game! Game time came! Ben had a blast! He hasn't quite got down the whole kick the ball in the goal thing yet. He is one of the youngest out there. But he runs hard and has fun so that is all that matters. He did have a few good kicks! He did love all of the pushing and shoving that went on. I think he is going to much more suited to football. All he wanted to do was push people away from the ball. Had to explain that he couldn't do that! He got to kick the ball in from out of bounds several times! Kate also had fun with Miss Hollie!

After the game the teams shook hands. That was actually the hardest thing for the kids. They could not get in a line. It was funny to watch.
It was a blast to watch. Lots of laughing and cheering! It is going to be a fun season.

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