Tuesday, April 5, 2011


After the soccer game on Saturday, we went on a little adventure. Ben has been working on sounding out letters and spelling lately. The word zoo was one of the first ones that he learned so we have been talking about zoos alot. So we decided to head on up to Nashville to go to the zoo. It is a great zoo for little ones because it's not too big and has an awesome playground. The weather was just perfect! I don't think it could have been any better. We had a blast. Both kids were on their best behavior. It was a full day but they were both so flexible with sleep and eating. It gives me hope for our big trip! Here are a few pictures from our fun time at the zoo...
Ben has a bit of an obsession with maps and navigation. He had a blast with the zoo map and telling us which way to go. Love the double stroller. It works great!

Ben had to pose and get his picture with the cougar because his soccer team is the Little Cougars!

I love flamingos!! They are pink. That is the perfect animal! Kate and I had to get our picture made with them.
Some funny people in the mircat exhibit!
We got to see some really awesome animals up close. They were all really active. It was so neat. The elephants and giraffes were awesome!

And of course we had to end with some time on the playground. It is the biggest and best playground I have ever seen. Ben had so much fun! He loved climbing and sliding. I didn't get many pictures because we were too busy chasing around kids.
It was so much fun. I just love spending time with my family. After the zoo we ate an excellent dinner at Demos downtown. It really was a great day!


  1. I guess you didn't see the Deen family this time. :( Looks like you had a great day!

  2. What a fun trip! You took some awesome pictures!
