Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Alaska Trip Day 4 - Ketchikan

I forgot to include this picture on my last post. It is a really good one of Matt and I and we sure don't get enough of those these days!!

Also a really funny Ben story before I forget. So my mom and Ben were sitting finishing up lunch one day and Ben yells, "look Granna I see a whale" while pointing out the window. Everyone on that side of the dinning room stands up and runs to the window. The then says, "I tricked you." Everyone thought it was so funny!

Ok now on to day 4 in Ketchikan. This was our first real day to experience Alaska and it did not disappoint!! It was amazing!!! This was a really busy day for us and there are lots of pictures so get ready. We got off the boat early and headed into town!

The town was so picturesque. Really just what I imagined an Alaskan town to look like. Houses built up the sides of mountains. A little main street and snow covered mountains in the background.

They had this awesome statue of an eagle as you got into town so of course we had to get a picture!

The main street through town. These towns were so amazing to me because most of them don't have roads into and out of the town. The only access is by plane or boat.

Ben in front of a statue honoring Alaska's history.
Our first stop was an Alaskan Lumberjack show. It was totally cool. They have real competitive lumberjacks that put on a show of all the different activities that the compete in.
They did some awesome log chopping and sawing. They did axe throwing as well.

There were 2 teams that were competing and everytime a team would win they would give a wood chip to an audience member to hold. Ben got one of the chips and we thought that was so neat.
But then one of the lumberjacks used a chainsaw to carve out a little chair. He asked for a kid to come down and try it out. Ben raised his hand and was picked.
He did an awesome job on stage in front of about 300 people!!! They asked his name and he said "Ben." They then asked him where he was from and he said "Alabama." We were so proud of him!!!! He was so cute up there.

They then gave him the little wood chair to keep. So great. Except for the fact it weighed 40 pounds and we had to fly across the country to get home. Matt carried it back to the boat after the show and it sat in our room. We debated about how to bring it home. But decided to just leave it there. It just wasn't going to work to bring it back. Still a great memory!!

The lumberjacks then did some pole climbing which was totally cool!

Ben watched the rest of the show from his chair!

One of the best events was when they did the log rolling. It was so neat to watch.

We all loved the Lumberjack show!!
After the show we wondered around the town a little bit. Kate and Ben met some of the local wildlife.

We then got my mom and the kids off on a Duck tour. It is a really cool vehicle that can go on land and water. They took a tour through the town and on the bay. Both of the kids slept through most of the tour but my mom said it was great.

Then a few of the brave souls (my dad, Matt and Kelly) went snorkeling. Yes snorkeling in Alaska. This was the weather that day. Not your normal snorkeling weather.

They saw a bald eagle. This is where they went snorkeling.

They of course wore wetsuits. For some reason there aren't many pictures of them in wetsuits!!

Some of the underwater things they saw.

Matt I think (so I obviously don't know much about this adventure since I wasn't there).

A sea cucumber. They said that the underwater creatures are much heartier in Alaska therefore you can actually pick them up and touch them.

While those guys were snorkeling my brother and I went to a rain forest (yes they have rain forests in Alaska) to do a zipline and ropes course. We had a blast!!!

We were the youngest people there by about 20 years so we flew through the course compared to the older people.

This is me on one of the ziplines. They were awesome! One of the times as I was zipping into a tree a bald eagle flew out of it! Only in Alaska. The scenery all around us was amazing.

After we did the ropes course we did some wall climbing. It was a really fun adventure.

We all met back up from the adventures on the ship for dinner.

More yummy food!!

After dinner we took in the show. Ok so it was really bad so we left early!

Each night Ben got to sleep in a bunk bed. He loved it and called it boy camp.

Our nightly towel animal.

It was a great day. And there was still more fun to come...

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