Thursday, June 23, 2011

Alaska Trip Day 5 - Icy Straight Point

Day 5 had us pulling into Icy Straight Point. This is a tiny little town that is actually owned by the cruise company. To say there is not much there but nature would be an understatement. The views were spectacular...

Matt and Ben hanging out checking out the views right after waking. What a great thing to wake up to every morning.

When we were talking about the cruise Ben said that he was most excited about getting bacon every morning. So we let him order a plate of bacon each day. And yes he ate it all. It's vacation. We figured it was ok!

We had a low key morning and played around the ship some before heading into town.

This is the little "town" of Icy Straight Point. Yep there is nothing there.

Just lots of beautiful mountains.

We had to take a tender into town. The kids enjoyed being on the little boat.

Family picture...

Kelly, Andrew, Matt and I got ready to head on our adventure. We went sea kayaking. We were all a little nervous about being in the cold water but they had these awesome skirts for us to wear that kept the water away.

We had an awesome time.

The view from our kayaks. It was just breathtaking. We had to just pause at times to take in the views (plus it was really tiring).

We went a total of about 4 miles. The water was choppy at times so it got tough but it was so worth it.

Our group kayaking out into the ocean.

After we got done we took a stroll through the "town"

A beautiful view of our ship!

Andrew and Matt enjoyed skipping rocks. It's a boy thing I guess.

While we were kayaking around the kids were hanging out with Granna and Grandaddy. Looks like they had a great time.

We enjoyed another great dinner!! Really they were all great. The kiddos got a little bored. Kate was watching her Mickey videos.

And Ben fell fast asleep during dinner. Poor guy was so tired.

Our anniversary was the next night but we weren't going to be in the dinning room so we celebrated this night. The wait staff sang to us.

And got an amazing dessert.

Once again another amazing day full of beauty and fun adventures.

1 comment:

  1. I am having so much fun living vicariously through you! What an amazing trip you had!
