Thursday, June 23, 2011

Alaska Trip Day 7 - Skagway

After our amazing day in Juneau we were excited for the next day in Skagway. We got off the ship early to begin our adventures. It was just the 4 of us today because my parents, Kelly and Andrew were off on a biking adventure. We were taking the White Pass-Yukon Railroad up the mountain. The railroad trail follows the path that the people seeking fortune in the gold rush followed. It was really interesting and full of history.
Ben and Kate were excited for the train ride.

To say the the ride was gorgeous would be an understatement. It was amazing to look out and just see the amazing scenery go by.

The railroad is also an engineering marvel. There are some amazing bridges and tunnels.

Ben loved standing on the platform outside the train. It was a little scary if you asked me.

This is one of my favorite pictures.

Before leaving for the trip the only thing Ben kept asking was if we were going to see a bear. We were so worried that we weren't going to see one. But we finally did!!!!! It was just standing and walking along the side of the tracks. Ben was so excited.

The route followed a river that had class 6 rapids. It was crazy looking!!

When we reached the summit of the mountain we were in Canada!

At the top was a glacier lake that was just beautiful.

We all had a great time.

The ride down was a little long and Kate got a little restless but she enjoyed dumping her snacks all over the train.

We then went into the town of Skagway. Talk about small. It was so cute but there are only 850 year round residents.

We got back on the boat and ready for the second formal night.

It was another great dinner. And Kelly got her lobster!!

The kids loved all the food on the cruise. They had a great kids menu full of things kids like.

Have to show off the beautiful desserts...

It was pirate night in Adventure Ocean. Ben got to dress up like a pirate and do all sorts of fun pirate things!

Love my sweet sister-in-law!!

We think it was a penguin. Thoughts??

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