Thursday, June 23, 2011

Alaska Trip Day 8 - Hubbard Glacier

It was hard to believe that our trip was coming to a close. We only had one more day left on the ship. We vowed not to be sad but to make the most of it. Matt and Kate enjoyed a leisurely breakfast on the balcony.
Starting at around 7:00 am we were sailing into the waters around the Hubbard glacier. I didn't know much about glaciers before the trip but we saw so many and learned all about them.

We had a few "Titanic" moments as we were sailing through the icy water with some really big icebergs in it.

The views were just stunning. And yes that is all ice that we are sailing through!

We got our first look at the glacier.

This looks like what sunk the Titanic doesn't it?

The ice was just beautiful. So blue!!

We all hung out on our balconies for about 2 hours taking in the views.

One of the things we had been told to watch for was when the glacier calved. This is when part of it breaks off. We were so lucky to get to see this happen several times. It was awesome!! You would hear these great roars that sounded like thunder and you would just see massive amounts of ice falling into the water. It was amazing (I have used that word alot in these posts I know but it was!!!)

I loved how the end of the glacier pointed off at this place.

And the gorgeous natural ice sculptures

The way the sunlight streamed in over the ice was awesome.
This was a huge calving event!

The captain was able to maneuver the boat within about 500 yards of the glacier. They said it was the closest they had ever gotten. We were so excited to get it see it so close up.

Matt and the kids enjoying what we called "first breakfast."

Because then we went down to the dinning room for "second breakfast."

Ben enjoyed his last plate of bacon.

Ok this breakfast was totally awesome. It was a chocolate only breakfast. All of the dishes were chocolate. I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

We all did different activities around the ship. Ben went up to Adventure Ocean and they all got face paintings of animals. Love this little tiger!

We enjoyed our last trivia game and played lots of games of cards.

For lunch we enjoyed the new Mexican restaurant on the ship. The kids loved it because it was like Rosies!

We then had to do some packing. SAD!!!!!

This is Liliana our cabin stewardess for the week. She was totally awesome. So sweet. Nothing like having someone clean up your room all week!!!

A big group picture!!

We headed off to our last dinner with Nengeh. Ben still talks about him everyday. They loved to give each other thumbs up.

So Matt, Andrew and my dad all ordered 2 entrees!! Yep they did it. They got the seafood platter and the NY strip steak. They were a little stuffed at the end of the meal.

In full disclosure I did order 2 deserts! Couldn't decide between the chocolate cake and key lime pie. And since it was a cruise I didn't have to decide!

Kate finally braved climbing the bunk bed.

Our last towel animal.

We had a great last day on board the ship.

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