Thursday, June 23, 2011

Alaska Trip Day 9 - Seward & Palmer

So our cruise came to an end. We were sad to leave our floating home for the past week. But we were excited about the 2 fun days we had ahead of us. The cruise ended up in the town of Seward. Getting off the ship was super easy. About the easiest we have ever experienced.
Because we got off so easily we were able to walk into Seward some. Kelly began brainwashing Kate into a love of anchors and all things DG.

We then took a shuttle into Anchorage where we were picking up our rental car. The highway from Seward to Anchorage is one of the top 10 in the country for the scenery. It was gorgeous. This is what we saw all 125 miles...

On the way we stopped at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. They take in injured and abandoned animals. We got to see some great Alaskan animals. Have you ever seen a musk ox?
Ben got to hold a bear skull.

We got to see a moose. I had no idea they were so big. Their legs are huge!!

We got to see some bald eagles up close.

Our favorite animals were the bears! They were so cute and playful.

Ben and Kate laughed so hard when they started fighting. It reminded me of days at our house!

A caribou. Did you know that reindeer are just domesticated caribou?

We made it into Anchorage and got our rental cars. We ate at Gwennie's which is a great Alaskan restaurant. One of the popular items on the menu was reindeer sausage. We ate quite a bit of it on the trip. It was pretty good.

We stayed in these awesome little cottages at a cute bed and breakfast right outside Palmer. Amazing views of a glacier again. Really I don't think there is a bad view in Alaska.

The flowers in Alaska are just gorgeous. They are huge and so colorful. The perfect weather for growing them I guess. Made me sad to come home to our little sad shriveled up flowers. Too hot!!

The kids enjoyed getting back their "sea legs" by running around.

We then went into the town of Palmer for dinner. We ate at the downtown deli and then walked through town. It was 8:00 and the town was all closed up for the night. Made us laugh. Love my little brother...

I took this picture at about 11:00 pm. Yes it was still light outside. I told you we never really saw it get dark while we were there.

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