Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chutes and Ladders

I am so proud of my little man!! We have been hitting the pool about every other day. It is so much fun. The first few times Ben was so timid. He clung to the wall and was not interested in doing anything. He had fun but was scared. I asked him if he thought he could do down the slide sometime and he said and emphatic NO!!! Well that boy has come a long way in a week...This was him tonight!! He went down the slide all by himself! We had a major breakthrough a few days ago. He is loving swimming!! He will go under and jump in. He is wearing his swim vest but he is kicking and pulling his arms so I bet it won't be long until he can lose that as well. We are so proud of him!!! He can't wait to show all his friends what he can do.Speaking of little swimmers. This little one is a pro in the water. She thinks she can do anything Ben can. If we let her she would go down the slide!! She loves the water. I am working with her on basics and hopefully she will learn quickly.

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