Monday, June 6, 2011


So sorry I have been missing for a few days. We are having some serious computer issues. Like it won't turn on. We have to take the computer apart to get it to even turn on. Therefore we are not doing that very often!! I love doing daily blog posts but that just may not happen until we get the computer fixed or get a new one. And since that is not in the budget that maybe a while. I promise to post with big stuff but right now life is not that exciting anyway. We are having a blast and enjoying the summer. Our days are full but they are all similar. We either go to the pool, have a playdate or I work. It is wonderful!

We had a great weekend. Really relaxing which was great. Got a lot of things done that we needed to. And now we are back at it for another week of fun!

Here are some pictures from Sunday before church...

A very rare picture of mommy!!!! I look so white compared to my tanned little girl!

And my super cute kids!

They have been having so much fun together lately. Playing together and just enjoying having each other around. It warms my heart! Tonight at bedtime Ben thanked God that he had Kate to play with. So sweet!!

So if I go several days without posting know that we are still alive just struggling with computer issues!!

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