Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Kind of Saturday

Today has been a yucky, rainy kind of day but we have made the best of it and had a great day. We called it our Disney marathon movie day. We started by working a new Disney puzzle. Then we started watching movies. We have watched 3 so far. The kids are loving it!We even played the Disney Scene It trivia game we got for Christmas. It was lots of fun. Matt and Ben beat Kate and I 3 times in a row!
It hasn't been all play. Matt and I have been doing some organizing of closets and cabinets. Matt found this scary looking old coat. I think he looks sort of creepy...
It has been a great day so far. Just how I like to spend them with my 3 favorite people! We might venture out later for some errands and dinner. We will see. We might just watch more movies.

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