Monday, February 27, 2012

Ben's 5th Birthday Party Part 2

So I thought it was just going to be 2 posts but I think I have too many pictures that I want to include and it is going to be 3. I'll post all the birthday fun today and tomorrow.

Here was the cute birthday boy before the party. My dad came dressed in his army gear and was the drill sergeant. He did an amazing job of "motivating."

First stop was to get their camo headbands and arm bands.
Then face painting with Aunt Kelly.
And you can't be in the army without getting a tattoo.
Full camo ready for action!
The boys had fun playing on the play set while they waited for the party to start.
First up they had to do some exercises - jumping jacks, pushups and situps!
Then it was directions on the obstacle course.
The boys LOVED the obstacle course! I really do think they went through it about 20 times each.
The drill sergeant was there yelling them on!
They all got so dirty which of course they loved! What boy doesn't love to get dirty?If the boys messed up then the drill sergeant would make them get down and give him 10! So much fun!!! Ok I promise tomorrow will be the last of the pictures.

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