Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ben's 5th Birthday Party Part 3

I promise these are the end of the pictures from the party! It was just such a fun day and I took so many pictures.
After all the obstacle course fun it was time for Happy Birthday and cake!
Blowing out the 5 candles!! Still can't believe he is 5. The boys had so much fun eating the cake and talking. I am sure there was lots of boy talk. After eating they went right back out to the obstacle course. Then it was pinata time! We stuffed a tank pinata full of candy and army stuff!It only took a few whacks and it busted quickly. I guess it is so much quicker when they are older. I remember at his second birthday when they couldn't get it to bust. There was a mad dash for the loot!Matt gave instructions for the next activity - marshmallow guns!! The boys were so excited. They took a little target practice first.
Then quickly began a battle!It was all out chaos with marshmallows flying everywhere!It was their chance to get back at the drill sergeant by shooting him. I just love this boy and am so glad he had a great birthday party. Love this picture because the boys were plotting their strategy. Had to throw in 1 picture of Kate! She didn't come to the party until the very end but she had fun messing up the obstacle course.
It was a great day! I just love planning fun parties from my kiddos. You only have a birthday once a year.

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