Monday, February 20, 2012

Let The Good Times Roll

We had another weekend full of fun with family and friends. We are just so blessed to have them all in our lives.

Saturday morning Ben got to go to Micah's 5th birthday party at Kidventure! These 2 are best buddies and have been since they were 2. It is hard to believe that they are 5 already. They had a blast getting to play together at the party.
Saturday night we had my parents, Andrew and Kelly over for dinner. It was the first time we have gotten together since Christmas. It was way too long to go. We had a blast getting together. I made beef stew and we all got caught up and played some games. Ben was excited to play his Disney Scene It game.
Kate decided to pull out her bathing suit and put it over his clothes and give a fashion show. It was too funny!
We then played some adult games. Well ok I don't know if Mall Madness is an adult game.
Andrew and I were so excited to kick tail at Trivial Pursuit! My dad is the champion so it is always exciting to beat him.
Sunday was church activities in the morning but in the afternoon Ben and Matt worked on a special project for Ben's birthday party. He is so excited for the party this weekend. It is going to be so much fun!!!
Today there was no school for President's Day but Matt had to work so it was just a regular Monday for us. We have enjoyed playing with friends and being a little lazy.

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