Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Preping for Disney

Not much longer and we will be at Disney World!!!! I am so excited and cannot wait. I have been doing tons of reading and planning. The trip is going to be awesome! Since we are on the final countdown I decided we needed to do a few things today to get ready. It was beautiful outside so I loaded the kids into the double stroller and off we went on a walk. I even loaded up the backpack to put on the stroller to test out and see how it would work. We went about 3 miles. I realized how out of shape I really am so we will be doing this some more over the next couple of weeks. Gotta get ready for those 8-12 mile days in Disney.
I also pulled out the suitcases!! AHHHH!!! It's getting real. Starting to make the packing lists and other lists of what we need.
So much to do before we go (including several birthday parties for a little boy!). It is going to be great!

1 comment:

  1. Wear really good tennis shoes at all times...don't worry about what look's best with your outfit;) I'm really jealous!
