Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday Routine

Wednesday is a special day for Kate and I. We get to spend it together doing some really fun things! We drop Ben off at school and then have a little time to kill before BSF. We usually head to Target to get a few things if we need them. Then we head over to BSF. We always look forward to it! It is an amazing Bible Study. I think I have grown more in this study than I ever have. God is speaking to me and changing me in some big ways. I love my group and have made some wonderful new friends. Kate also loves to go to Bible study. She asks everyday if we are going. She always runs right in and is so excited. They sing songs and have a Bible story. It is so much fun for her! And she is learning some amazing truths and hymns. I love listening to her sing "Holy, Holy, Holy."
After BSF, we have about an hour before we have to pick up Ben so we usually go to Wendys to get some lunch. We get the same thing each week and it is $4 for both of us to eat. It is a special time for us to just get to hang out together and have fun! Wednesdays are a day I always look forward to! Such special memories are made.

1 comment:

  1. I have such awesome memories from my years in BSF; so excited for you & Kate to be making them as well!
    love, mom
