Thursday, February 23, 2012

Signs of Spring?

I know it is still just February but when it is almost 80 degrees outside I would call it Spring! It was just gorgeous outside today. Although warm temps mean stormy weather tonight. I enjoyed going outside and taking some fun pictures of flowers that are blooming (and it means terrible sinus issues for everyone). I am still working on take pics in the bright sun but got some fun ones. I just love camellias! They are our state flower which is cool but growing up we had the most beautiful camellia bush just outside our laundry room. We planted one in our flower bed just outside our laundry room too. Brings back such great memories. Of course I had to get some of the silly kiddos!Kate loved looking at the flowers!
As I was taking this picture of Kate...
I was reminded of this picture from 2 years ago! Same daffodils. Just the girl has grown up! Wow has she changed.

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