Monday, March 5, 2012

The Actual Birthday!

We are finally recovering from all the birthday fun at our house. It was a week long event but so much fun. We were laughing that Ben had 4 different birthday celebrations over the week. Not many kids can say that.

On his actual birthday we did lots of fun things! Matt took off so we got to hang out as a family all day! We started the morning with a candle in his cinnamon roll. There was of course a lot of bacon on his plate as well.
He loved getting to eat off the birthday plate and drink out of the birthday mug. He got to open his present from Kate first thing. You can tell from the look on his face that he was excited about the Lego Star Wars sticker book!
The it was off to school where his class sang to him and they all got to eat the lemon cupcakes we made. He was so excited to get to wear a birthday crown all day!He got to open more presents after school...He loved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures we got him. Matt and Ben watched Star Wars all afternoon which was a huge hit!Ben got to pick the restaurant for dinner and he picked Rosies! We were all excited about that!There is nothing better than Rosies chips and salsa!Then it was back home for more presents! We also put together lots of legos and shot lots of Nerf guns. It was a great day of celebrating our 5 year old!!

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