Friday, March 2, 2012

Flashback Friday - Baby Ben

Having my little man turn 5 has brought back lots of wonderful memories! I can't believe he is already 5. It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming him into our family. He was such a beautiful little baby with those big eyes and lots of dark hair. He had the most beautiful skin! We were instantly in love with him. This is still one of my all time favorite pictures. He was just a few hours old but he and I locked eyes and it was love! I am still so in love with him!!!!
Another one of my favorites. Ben was just a few minutes old and I took this picture. Matt was singing to Ben and Ben could not take his eyes off Matt. I remember in the delivery room anytime Matt or I would speak Ben would pry his little eyes open and turn towards our voices. He knew who his mommy and daddy were!
Such a sweet little baby! Little did we know what an amazing little boy he would be.

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