Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Attic Project Complete

After some very long days of working we (well it was mostly Matt) finished up the attic project! So exciting!!!! It is wonderful to have the attic much more usable now. We also took the time to organize and clean out. There is so much more room as well. We can get lots more junk I guess.
Look at all that free space for stuff!The thing I am most excited about is my new area for wrapping paper, gift bags and boxes. Before it was just thrown into a giant pile and was such a mess. Now it is nicely organized and ready to go. We even got the playroom clean! This does not look like the same room from 24 hours ago. So clean!I know no one comes to the blog to see pictures of our attic so here are pictures of the cute kids. We are still loving the great weather and enjoying every minute that we can being outside. Today was a funny day because I had to work most of the day and Matt was off. It was a bit of a role reversal!

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