Monday, March 19, 2012

Luck of the Irish Weekend

We had a great St. Patty's Day weekend. It started out Friday night with the kids going to my parents house for the night! YEA!!! The kids had fun and we had an adult only night. We went to dinner with a large group of friends. The weather was wonderful so we sat outside and got to enjoy a great night hanging out with friends. It always cracks me up when we go out with a large group. All the girls sit at one end and all the guys sit at the other! No intermingling. It was nice to get caught up with friends. We all laughed and had a great time.
Saturday morning we had a yummy brunch at my parents house!
Kate looked too cute carrying her sleepover bag. We started working on a big attic project so that meant many trips to Lowes!So the consuming attic project... When we moved into our house we decided to save a little money and not have the builder floor in the attic. We figured we could do that ourselves. Ha! 5 years later and we have still not done it. There are wires all over so Matt just place boards best he could and we piled the stuff in! We knew we needed to do it right so we took everything out of the attic! That was a big job. So much baby stuff! 20 giant containers of clothes and lots of other various things. And then he got to work laying boards and flooring it. He worked all afternoon Saturday and Sunday. He is off work today and working on it again. I think we would have been better off to just pay the builder to do it. We did take some time on Saturday to go to the Huntsville St. Patrick's Day parade. It was a small little parade with some interesting things in it. We still don't know why Star Wars characters were there. But it was lots of fun!Saturday night we played some super nerdy games with Andrew and Kelly. We always enjoy that!
Sunday was a super full day of church activities. I left the house at 9 am and didn't get home until 8 pm. Long day!!
It was a great weekend! Now if we can just finish the attic.

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