Monday, March 26, 2012

A Lazy Kind of Sunday Afternoon

We had the best kind of Sunday afternoon yesterday. We went to the park and met up with our friends the Johnsons. They are so wonderful and we love getting to hang out with them. The weather was perfect. The kids played and the adults chatted. We played some Tball and frisbee. We ate picnic dinners. It was just the perfect kind of evening! The kids just ran around and had a blast together!
One of the funniest moments was when Kate started chasing Isaac around asking him to hold her hand. He wanted nothing to do with her and it made her so sad. Her daddy offered to hold her hand and that made her so happy!
There was lots of swinging! Sweet Micah enjoyed pushing Kate.
Love my sweet friend Kim!These 2 crack us up! They fight like brother and sister and then become the best of friends. We stayed well after dark. Everyone was having fun and no one wanted to leave. What a fun evening. We can't wait to do it again soon!

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