Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fun Times

We have already had a fun filled weekend and it is only Saturday afternoon. Matt has been out of town since early Wednesday. It has been a long 4 days without him. He rarely has to travel so it always seems long when he does go out of town. He is due back any minute so we are all excited to see him!

Last night the kids friends Evan and Addy came over for a night of fun. We ate pizza.
Then they watched Robin Hood. I loved having a house full of kiddos and fun laughter. It was a lot of fun!
This morning the kids and I got up and headed out early to Panera. After we ate we decided to hit some yard sales. We found some fun stuff including some tball equipment for Ben and a fun "princess" dress for Kate. Then we went to a park that we rarely get to go to since it is pretty far away. The kids had fun exploring a new park. I always love going to this park because it one I went to growing up. It is really close to the house I grew up in so it brings back great memories. The weather was beautiful and we had so much fun!
This slide is the only thing left from when I was a kid. I went down it many times myself!
This afternoon we have just been hanging out around the house. It has been great. Kate has been wearing her "princess" dress!Such a great start to the weekend. I am sure there will be more adventures once Matt gets home.

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