Thursday, March 22, 2012

Packing Boxes for Soldiers

Ok I have to start with a picture of Kate. Her hair was super poofy today. I was laughing with friends at school saying she looked like a beauty pageant girl. Poor girl is going to have hair issues as she gets older. This was after nap so it was messy but you can see the poof!
Tonight we packed up the care packages for the soldiers. It was so much fun to go through all of the stuff that got brought to Ben's party and put it into packages. Grandaddy came over and helped us out.
Ben did a great job of dividing it out and making sure all of the boxes had similar stuff. Kate even got in on the fun. I love that Ben was so excited about sharing his birthday with others. We pray that the boxes are a blessing to the soldiers that receive them overseas! They do so much for us it is great to be able to do just a little bit for them.

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