Monday, May 21, 2012

First Weekend of Summer

We had a super fun first weekend of summer.  It was full of family and friend time.  Also lots of time in the sun. 

Friday night we had some new friends over for dinner.  They have just moved to town from Hawaii so it was great to get to know them.  I made a baked ziti that turned out great. 

Saturday morning we had an 8 am tball game!  It sure was early!!!  It was great though.  Kate was looking cute!
 Kelly and I chilling and watching the fun. 
 Ben is a super fast base runner. 
 I love this picture of Matt!  He's a great coach. 
After the game, we headed to the pool.  It was super hot so if we were going to be outside we needed to be in the pool.  The water was a little cool but with all of the warm weather we have been having it wasn't too bad.  The kids could not wait to get into the water.  We had a blast. 
 We went to Kelly and Andrew's pool and the kids loved the sprinklers. 

 Saturday afternoon I went to a baby shower for my friend Jessica.  It was super cute and fun to celebrate her little boy that will be here soon. 

We took a family trip to Walmart Saturday night (always a fun adventure) and then got some Chinese food at the local take out place. 
Sunday morning we had church activities.  Then Ben went to a birthday party at Pump It Up for his buddy Cole.  He ran around like a crazy man for 2 hours.  He was worn out. 
What a great way to kick off the summer!

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