Friday, May 18, 2012

Last Day of School 2012

Today was the last day of school for Ben and Kate.  I cannot believe my little guy is done with preschool!!  What a great year it has been for both of them.  They have learned and matured so much.  We had a fun day of celebrating the last day. 

First stop this morning was a Panera for some bagels before school. 
The entire school had a picnic lunch today.  There was a bouncy house and snowcones!  The kids had a blast!!

 Ben and his buddy Cole.  Ben is going to miss all of his friends.  They will all be going to different schools next year. 

 Kate could not wait to get into the "castle."  She had so much fun jumping!!
Then she braved the slide.  Micah helped her the first time but then she went down 20 times by herself.  She was a wild girl!
 I LOVE this picture. 

Ben and Mrs. Jenerick.  She has been an amazing teacher this year.  We thank God for her and all she as taught Ben.  
Bring on the summer!!!!!

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