Thursday, May 17, 2012

After School Playtime

As the school year comes to an end, we are all gettting a little sad.  It is hard to say good bye to the routine and friends.  We are looking forward to a fun summer though!  Lots of great things planned. 

One of my favorite things about his year has been a special time that somehow got started at the beginning of the year.  When I would pick the kids up from school we would go out on the front lawn and have playtime with some friends.  We have done it through the hot and cold weather.  I think we have even done some rainy days.  Usually it is with the Johnsons and Cabras.  The kids have a blast running around and getting some energy out before nap time.  And I absolutely love the chance to talk with other moms!  Somedays it is the only adult conversation I get so it is priceless.  We have had made new friends during our playtime as well.  It has been so much fun.  We sure are going to miss it!! 

Thanks to Ashley for the pictures since I didn't get my act together to take any!

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