Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Today Miss Kate turns 2 1/2.  Cannot believe she is closer to 3 than 2.  She has really moved from a baby to little girl over the last few months.  She continues to amaze us and bring us such joy!
She continues to just grow and grow! I don't know exactly but I would say she weighs around 26-28 pounds.  She wears size 2T stuff but can wear 3T in some things.  She is actually quite tall so some shirts and pants she needs the 3T for length.  She wears size 6 shoes.  Her foot continues to be really small (just like moms).  Kate loves clothes!  She enjoys picking out her own clothes and shoes everyday.  If she had her way, she would wear a dress and crocs everyday!  She loves having her hair long like Rapunzel.  One of her favorite things is for me to braid it.  She calls it "princess hair."
This girl is all 2!!!  There are days when all we get is attitude and tantrums.  Then there are days when she is a perfect angel.  You just never know what you will get.  I would call her strong willed.  She knows what she wants and she makes sure we also know!  She is hilarious!  She keeps us laughing with the things that come out of her mouth.  So fun!  She loves to play.  Babies, teaparties and princesses are her favorites.  She can tell you any princess story from start to finish.  One of her favorite things to do is to give each person in the family a name from a princess story.  It is so cute!

Kate loves school and Bible Study.  She sure is going to miss it this summer.  We are amazed with all she has learned lately.  She knows all her colors, letters and numbers.  I know we are her parents but we think she is super smart!  She is beginning to learn Bible verses each week.  It is so cool how she can memorize them so quickly.  She is such a people person.  I don't think she has ever met a stranger.  She loves her friends and prays for them every night - her Libs, Jaxson, Kaylee and Addy!  Ben is her best friend.  She just adores him!  They have so much fun together and very rarely fight.  She will just laugh and laugh at him!   Food continues to be one of her favorite things.  She loves to eat and is always asking when the next meal is and what we will be eating.  There isn't much she doesn't like.  She will try pretty much anything but hot dogs, yogurt, chicken and fruit are her favorites. 
She is doing such "big girl" things these days.  Her pottying is going pretty well.  There are days she goes accident free and then some days she has several accidents.  I would call her 75% potty trained.  Still have some work to do but overall pretty good.  She wears big girl panties most of the time.  Just this week she started sleeping in her big girl bed (more on that to come but she is doing great!).  She really has transitioned from baby to big girl! 
Happy 1/2 birthday sweet girl!!  It is just amazing to see you becoming a little girl right before our eyes.  You really have completed our family.  We love watching you grow and learn. 

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