Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Big Things for Ben

It is so hard to believe that this school year is coming to an end.  It has just flown by.  With the end of the year comes lots of endings and new beginnings.  Ben has had lots of big things lately. 

Last week he got to go to K for a day up at the school he will be attending in the fall.  He was so excited to get to go.  It was a really fun morning where we got to hear all about kindergarten.  They had snacks and goodies so of course he loved it!  We got to go on a tour of the school and he was so excited to hear about art, music and PE.  He was also stoked to see that there were iPads in the classrooms.  He was ready to start that day.  It was so fun to see him in a new place and get so excited.  We are praying that he has an amazing year next year. 

Sunday night was the AWANA awards at church.  Ben finished his 2nd year in Cubbies.  He did a great job all year memorizing verses each week.  So proud of my little man!

Can't believe how grown up he is getting!  We are so proud of him and I just love seeing the boy he is becoming. 

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