Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

Sorry I took a few days off from blogging.  We were just busy living life so now I have to catch up.  We had a great weekend!  Lots going on but it was all great.  Friday I had to go down to a computer class in Birmingham.  That was an all day affair so the kids got to spend the night and all day with my mom!  They had a blast.  I wouldn't say my class was all that fun but I survived and made it back in time to celebrate my dad's birthday with the family that night.  We had a great time eating, laughing and playing games.  He got some great presents!!!!  :) 

Saturday as pretty low key.  Ben had a ballgame in the morning and I ran some errands in the afternoon.  We went to Addy's 3rd birthday late in the afternoon.  It was at the new playground.  The rain held off and the kids had a great time!  Kate really loved the cupcakes. 

 Saturday night we just hung out at home and watched a movie!  Best way to spend a Saturday night!

I enjoyed being spoiled all day on Mother's Day.  Matt always does and amazing job of doing things just perfect!  They had  special breakfast in bed all ready for me!  Nothing like waking up to these sweet faces. 
 And of course lots of fun gifts and cards.  I loved the sunglasses and earrings Ben picked out. 
 I was super excited about my new mop.  I promise I really wanted it!
 Ben made me an awesome painting at school. 
 We enjoyed a great morning at church and then lunch at Casa Blanca.  I got to take a nap while Matt washed clothes.  I ended the day getting to snuggle up with both kids as I put them to bed.  Really the perfect Mother's Day!
I feel so very blessed to be entrusted with these 2 precious gifts!  I consider it a great privilege to be their mom.  It is the hardest job ever but also the most rewarding!

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