Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!!

I want to wish my awesome Daddy a very happy birthday today!!  He really is the hardest working, kindest man I know.  I consider it such a privilege to be his daughter. We hope you have a super day today Dad/Gary/Grandaddy!!!  Here are some pictures of my sweet Daddy. 

Here he is when he was younger with his mom, brother and sister
 With my brother when he was a baby!
 And then again with him when he was a little older.  My dad is aways up for having a good time. 
 One of my favorite pictures.  Ben was a just a day old and you can already see how much my dad loved him!  He is the most amazing grandfather. 
 Talk about wrapped around his finger.  This little girl has her Grandaddy's heart like no one else!!

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