Monday, June 25, 2012

Bowling & The Pool

We had a great weekend!  Friday night we enjoyed dinner with some friends that we have been meaning to have over for about 3 years!  It was nice to finally get together.  Saturday we did yard work, cleaned the garage and did errands.  Not the most fun things.  But after naps we all loaded up along with my parents and brother and hit the bowling alley!  Ben had been asking to go back since he went to a birthday party.  We had heard that the bowling alley on the military base was nice so we went out there.  It was awesome!  We had a great time together.  The kids were so cute bowling.  Kate carried the ball all by herself.  (Sorry I totally forgot my good camera so the pictures are a little blurry). 
 They had this awesome ramp that Kate could use to roll the ball down. 
 Her face was so cute as she waited to see if she knocked down any pins. 
 My dad is a pro! 

 My mom is not a professional by any means but she was a great sport and we had lots of fun. 
Matt was intense!
  Ben had a blast!!  He loved every minute of it!
 Just had to record the scores.  Not my awesome score.  I do think it was a personal best. 
 Andrew was the winner the first game and I beat Matt!
 Second game was just the boys and Matt redeemed himself. 
 It was a great evening!  Loved getting to hang out with my family.  We missed Kelly but she was out of town.  Sunday morning we had a great morning at church and then enjoyed a fun family trip to the pool in the evening.  We picked up a pizza and enjoyed a leisurely dinner and some swimming.  It is super hot right now (got up to 102 today) so the pool is about the only way we can be outside. 

I love just getting to be together as a family on the weekends.  It makes for the best memories!

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