Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Tour of Homes - Dining Room

It's time for the weekly look inside our house!  Today is the dining room.  It really is one of the most unused rooms in our house.  Unless we are having a bunch of people over or a party we don't really use it.  Although Ben uses it for school work sometimes and Matt and I both do our Bible studies at the table.  So it does get some use!

The whole room was planned around this vase.  We bought it in Venice when we were building the house so it became the inspiration for the room.  The green, gold and red.  Right now the vase just sits on a side board.  I hope to put it up on the wall one day when the kids are a little older and I can trust them!
 This is the view of the dining room from the foyer.  The room has a huge window that lets in tons of light!  This room has been one of the most challenging for me to decorate.  I have never quite figured out exactly what I want.  It is slowly coming together though.  Maybe one day I will have it all figured out!
We bought the table and chairs on Craigslist.  Matt worked hard refinishing the table and I just love it! 
 I found these awesome slipcovers at Pottery Barn (clearance for $8).  They match perfectly and work to cover up the ugly chairs!
 I have this really old small side board on one of the walls.  It is a really neat piece
 After almost 5 years I found the perfect rug last summer.  It brings the whole room together and I just love it.  I also really like the curtains.  They are silk panels. 
 I found this sideboard at a local antique store and my sweet husband surprised me with it for our anniversary one year.  My goal is to put formal portraits of the kids on either side of the mirror when they get a little older.  Like I said the room is a work in progress. 
 This is a print we picked up on a cruise.  It looks great in the room and reminds us of a great vacation. 
Up next week is kids rooms!!!!  My favorite.  We finished up Kate's room so hopefully I can get those pictures posted next week. 


  1. So pretty! I love the vase! Venice is one of my absolute favorite places!!

  2. I'm stopping by via Kelly's Korner.
    You have a wonderful room to entertain and enjoy delicious meals.
    Your husband did do an amazing refinishing job. And what a bargain! Gotta love Craigslist.
    I'm also a fan of the ceiling lighting. It's gorgeous.

  3. I love your dining room. It's so beautiful. And that rug is awesome.
