Saturday, June 16, 2012

Flying High At VBS

We just finished up an awesome week of VBS!!  I won't lie - it was a tough week.  It started out with Ben being sick for the first couple of days and then a fender bender on day 2.  I had a bad attitude to start out the week and really didn't want to be there.  But God had a different plan and taught me so much through the week!  I know the week is about kids and teaching them about Jesus but this 31 year old learned alot at VBS this year.  This year in BSF studying the letters of Paul we talked alot about how God commands us to love the widows and orphans and we are supposed to do whatever we can to serve them.  We discussed the importance of thinking outside the box when it came to who are the widows and orphans in our society .  There are lots of different groups that can be considered widows and orphans.  In working with the children this week, I began to see many of them that fell into this category.  They are dropped off by their parents each day and may not get much love at home.  They could be called emotional orphans.  What an amazing opportunity to truly do the work that God has called each of us to.  My eyes were really opened to my need to have a heart that is willing to serve even when it is not easy.  I was able to love on so many kids and hopefully show them the love of Jesus.  I pray that just as my eyes were opened to the gospel at VBS 22 years ago, I was able to be apart of seeds being planted in the lives of these 5 and 6 year old lives.
Ben and Kate also had a great time at VBS!!  I am so glad they were able to attend.  Ben missed the first 2 days but he jumped in on day 3.  
The theme this year was aviation and seeing God's amazing wonders.  It was a really fun theme.  Ben said that his favorite part was the missions.  He got to meet "real live missionaries." 
Kate had a blast in her class.  She was able to tell me the Bible story each day and loved doing all the crafts!  I am so thankful to the workers that loved on her so I could love on the older kids. 
I found the most awesome job to do at VBS.  I worked in the preschool recreation.  It was 5 and 6 year olds so they were tons of fun and full of lots of energy.  I worked with my super awesome friend Hollie.  We had a blast playing games with the kids.  It was busy but went by so quickly! 
Ben got to enjoy worship time each day.  I remember from when I went to VBS how fun this time was.  I was so proud of how well behaved Ben was all week.  There are alot of wild kids and he was so calm.  What an great example he was to kids that do not normally attend church.   So glad that even Ben could have a part in ministry this week. 

The kids were worn out each day when it was over! 
I am so thankful for this week of VBS!  It was a great opportunity for me to grow in my faith and also hopefully impact some lives.  I can't wait for next year!!


  1. Couldn't have said it better! It was an awesome week! The last picture of the kids asleep in the car made me laugh out loud!

