Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Tour of Homes - Master Retreat & Guest Room

 It's Friday so that means time to take another peak inside of our home!  Today is my absolute favorite room in the house (and probably my least favorite)!!  I LOVE our master bedroom.  When we were building our house and designing this room this is exactly what I envisioned for it.  It turned our perfectly.  It really is our retreat.  We try to limit the time the kids spend in here and no toys are ever allowed.  It is the one room that I keep perfect at all times.  There is just something about being able to come to our room at the end of a long day and be able to relax.

One of my favorite things about the room is the little hallway as you enter.  It really makes it feel separate from the rest of the house because of this.  Our closet is to the left and the bathroom is behind you as you enter.
Here it is!!!  The overall color scheme is a pretty blue that is so calming along with tans and creams!  I just love the colors.  It makes me relax just looking at it.
My side of the bed.  I found this great desk at Walmart that I use as my bedside table.
I have some of my favorite newborn pictures of the kids beside my bed.
I found this lamp a couple of years ago at Marshalls and I love it!!!  I need a matching one for the other side so if you ever see one let me know.
Over my side table I have some pictures from our wedding and also some of the things from our wedding including my bouquet.  There is really no where else in the house that has wedding pictures so this is the little corner where we keep all those special memories.
Here's our bed!  I love having a king size bed.  We actually got the headboard at the Unclaimed Baggage store in Scottsboro AL.  Who knew they would have headboards.   I planned the whole room around the coverlet that I have on the end of the bed.  I found it and knew it was my perfect inspiration.
Over the bed I have this shelf that has always had candles on it.  I am going to be changing it up soon.  I have seen some really cool pins on pinterest where you get initials and put them on it.  I think that is my next project.
I love all the pillows on the bed.  They pull in all the colors and just make the bed so inviting.
Matt's side of the bed.
We have pictures of the kids hanging over his side.  We just had Kate's 2 year pictures made and I have a canvas ordered to hang next to Ben's.  I can't wait to get it in.
I really like mixing different woods in rooms.  I don't like things that are "matchy, matchy."  So I like having both the dark woods and the painted lighter woods.  His side really needs the matching lamp!
We have the neatest chair in the corner.  It is great for sitting to put on shoes or when we are talking.  It also works great to hold clothes that need folding.  This wing back chair has been in my dad's family for many years and I think this is a great spot for it in our home.
The triple window lets in so much light which gives the room a really bright feeling.  I really like the Nate Berkus curtains that I got for this windows.  They add some color but really fit in with the calming sense of the room.
This is a trunk of my grandmother's that I remember always being in their house.  When I was planning the room I knew it would go perfectly in this spot.  I was so excited when she gave it to me.  We keep books in it.
I recently added this great big mirror on the wall opposite the window.  It is wonderful when I am getting ready and also adds an interesting element to a previously blank wall.
We redid this old armoire of my parents.  It was a fun project Matt and I did together.   It turned our perfectly and holds our TV and photo albums.
My favorite project is probably the wedding invitation art I made for this wall.  I took our wedding invitation and had pieces blown up and then framed.
So that's our favorite room!!  I just love it!!  Now on to my least favorite room in our house.  There is really nothing wrong with our guest room it is just not all that interesting.  Since our family lives in town we don't have that many guests.  It is mostly used for the occasional friends that come to stay with us.  Most of the furniture is just leftover stuff from our newlywed apartment living days.  I just have not taken the time to do much in this room because we are very rarely in it.  I do use the room alot for storing stuff so I got lucky that it is cleaned out right now!

Maybe one day soon I will get around to updating it.  Well that's the tour of our master bedroom and guest room.  Next week it's the dinning room!


  1. I was reading your blog when I got the email that you had commented on mine! We have good timing!

    Your house is lovely!

  2. I LOVE your Master! We are painting in our "new to us" house right now. I chose a similar color and am glad to see how beautiful it can be!

  3. Your master is very calming! I love the lamp in there! I've been wanting new lamps in our living room & playroom, just haven't found the right ones yet!

  4. Your bedroom is a beautiful retreat! That chest is like nothing I've ever seen before! Love the contrast!

  5. Your master bedroom looks wonderful. After seeing all these bedrooms I am inspired to do something with our wedding photos and invitation to hang in our room. I love your invitation art.

    As you can tell I am a few weeks behind in my blog reading :)
